This page offers you a daily dose of James Allen. Here you’ll find today’s entries from James Allen’s book of meditations for every day in the year and Morning and evening thoughts:
previous day - February 19th 2025 - next day
That which temptation appeals to and arouses is unconquered desire.
TEMPTATION waylays the man of aspiration until he touches the region of the divine consciousness, and beyond that border temptation cannot follow him. It is when a man begins to aspire that he begins to be tempted. Aspiration rouses up all the latent good and evil, in order that the man may be fully revealed to himself, for a man cannot overcome himself unless he fully knows himself. It can scarcely be said of the merely animal man that he is tempted, for the very presence of temptation means that there is a striving for a purer state. Animal desire and gratification is the normal condition of the man who has not yet risen into aspiration ; he wishes for nothing more, nothing better, than his sensual enjoyments, and is, for the present, satisfied. Such a man cannot be tempted to fall, for he has not yet risen.
Aspiration can carry a man to heaven.
If you are one of those who are praying for,
and looking forward to a happier world
beyond the grave, here is a message of
gladness for you-you may enter into and
realize that happy world now; it fills the
whole universe, and it is within you,
waiting for you to find, acknowledge,
and possess.
Said one who understood the inner
laws of Being-“When men shall say,
lo here, or lo there, go not after them.
The Kingdom of God is within you.”
Heaven and hell are inward states.
Sink into self and all its gratifications,
and you sink into hell; rise above self
into that state of consciousness which is
the utter denial and forgetfulness of self,
and you enter heaven.
So long as you persist in selfishly
seeking for your own personal happiness,
so long will happiness elude you, and you
will be sowing the seeds of wretchedness.
in so far as you succeed in losing yourself
in the service of others, in that measure
will happiness come to you, and you will
reap a harvest of bliss.
previous day - February 19th 2025 - next day