The James Allen Free Library

James Allen daily

This page offers you a daily dose of James Allen. Here you’ll find today’s entries from James Allen’s book of meditations for every day in the year and Morning and evening thoughts:

previous day - January 5th 2025 - next day

When a man wishes and wills he can find the good and the true.

January Fifth.

THE Gates of Heaven are for ever open, and no one is prevented from entering by any will or power but his own ; but no one can enter the Kingdom of Heaven so long as he is enamoured of, and chooses, the seductions of hell, so long as he resigns himself to sin and sorrow.

There is a larger, higher, nobler, diviner life than that of sinning and suffering, which is so common—in which, indeed, nearly all are immersed—a life of victory over sin, and triumph over evil; a life wise and happy, benign and tranquil, virtuous and peaceful. This life can be found and lived now, and he who lives it is steadfast in the midst of change ; restful among the restless; peaceful, though surrounded by strife.

Every moment is the time of choice ; every hour is destiny.

Fifth Morning

To dwell in love always and towards all
is to live the true life, is to have Life itself.
Knowing this, the good man gives up
himself unreservedly to the Spirit of Love,
and dwells in Love towards all, contending
with none, condemning none, but loving

The Christ Spirit of Love puts an
end, not only to all sin, but to all division
and contention.

Fifth Evening

When sin and self are abandoned, the heart
is restored to its imperishable Joy.

Joy comes and fills the self-emptied
heart; it abides with the peaceful; its reign
is with the pure.

Joy flees from the selfish, it deserts the
quarrelsome; it is hidden from the impure.

Joy cannot remain with the selfish; it is
wedded to Love.

previous day - January 5th 2025 - next day