The James Allen Free Library

James Allen daily

This page offers you a daily dose of James Allen. Here you’ll find today’s entries from James Allen’s book of meditations for every day in the year and Morning and evening thoughts:

previous day - September 3rd 2024 - next day

A man is great in knowledge, great in himself, and great in his influence in the world, in the measure that he is great in self-control.

September Third.

WONDERFUL as are the forces in nature, they are vastly inferior to that combination of intelligent forces which comprise the mind of man, and which dominate and direct the blind mechanical forces of nature. Therefore, it follows that to understand, control, and direct the inner forces of passion, desire, will, and intellect, is to be in possession of the destinies of men and nations.

He who understands and dominates the forces of external nature is the natural scientist ; but he who understands and dominates the internal forces of the mind is the divine scientist ; and the laws which operate in gaining a knowledge of external appearances operate also in gaining a knowledge of internal verities.

The end of knowledge is use, service, the increase of the comfort and happiness of the world.

Third Morning

To follow, under all circumstances, the
highest promptings within you; to be
always true to the divine self; to rely upon
the inward Voice, the inward Light, and to
pursue your purpose with a fearless and
restful heart, believing that the future will
yield unto you the need of every thought
and effort; knowing that the laws of the
universe can never fail, and that your own
will come back to you with mathematical
exactitude-this is faith and the living of

Third Evening

Have a thorough understanding of your
work, and let it be your own; and as you
proceed, ever following the inward Guide,
the infallible Voice, you will pass on from
victory to victory, and will rise step by step
to higher resting-places, and your ever-
broadening outlook will gradually reveal
to you the essential beauty and purpose
of life. Self-purified, health will be yours;
self-governed, power will be yours, and all
that you do will prosper.

And I may stand where health, success,
and power
Await my coming, if, each fleeting hour,
I cling to love and patience; and abide
With stainlessness; and never step aside
From high integrity; so shall I see
At last the land of immortality.

previous day - September 3rd 2024 - next day