The James Allen Free Library

James Allen daily

This page offers you a daily dose of James Allen. Here you’ll find today’s entries from James Allen’s book of meditations for every day in the year and Morning and evening thoughts:

previous day - June 30th 2024 - next day

Seers of the Cosmos do not mourn over the scheme of things.

June Thirtieth.

SEERS of the Cosmos see the universe as a perfect whole, and not as an imperfect jumble of parts. The Great Teachers are men of abiding joy and heavenly peace.

The blind captive of unholy desire may cry:

" Ah ! Love, could you and I with Him conspire To grasp this sorry scheme of things entire, Would we not shatter it to bits, and then Remould it nearer to the heart’s desire ? "

This is the wish of the voluptuary, the wish to enjoy unlawful pleasures to any extent, and not reap any painful consequences. It is such men who regard the universe as a " sorry scheme of things." They want the universe to bend to their will and desire ; want lawlessness, not law ; but the wise man bends his will and subjects his desires to the Divine Order, and he sees the universe as the glorious perfection of an infinitude of parts.

To perceive it, is the beatific vision ; to know it, is the beatific bliss.

Thirtieth Morning

When the farmer has tilled and dressed
his land and put in the seed, he knows
that he has done all that he can possibly
do, and that now he must trust to the
elements, and wait patiently for the
course of time to bring about the harvest,
and that no amount of expectancy
on his part will affect the result.

Even so, he who has realized Truth,
goes forth as a sower of the seeds of
goodness, purity, love, and peace, without
expectancy and never looking for results,
knowing that there is the Great Over-
ruling Law which brings about its own
harvest in due time, and which is alike the
source of preservation and destruction.

Thirtieth Evening

The virtuous put a check upon themselves,
and set a watch upon their passions and
emotions; in this way they gain possession
of the mind, and gradually acquire calmness;
and as they acquire influence, power,
greatness, abiding joy, and fullness and
completeness of life.

He only finds peace who conquers
himself, who strives, day by day, after
greater self-possession, greater self-control,
greater calmness of mind.

Where the calm mind is there is
strength and rest, there is love and
wisdom; there is one who has fought
successfully innumerable battles against
self, who, after long toil in secret against
his own failings, has triumphed at last.

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