The James Allen Free Library

James Allen daily

This page offers you a daily dose of James Allen. Here you’ll find today’s entries from James Allen’s book of meditations for every day in the year and Morning and evening thoughts:

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The body is the image of the mind.

June Eleventh.

ONE who suffers in body will not necessarily at once be cured when he begins to fashion his mind on moral and harmonious principles ; indeed, for a time, while the body is bringing to a crisis, and throwing off the effects of former inharmonies, the morbid condition may appear to be intensified. As a man does not gain perfect peace immediately he enters upon the path of righteousness, but must, except in rare instances, pass through a painful period of adjustment, neither does he, with the same rare exception, at once acquire perfect health. Time is required for bodily as well as mental readjustment, and even if health is not reached, it will be approached. If the mind be made robust, the bodily condition will take a secondary and subordinate place, and will cease to have that primary importance which so many give to it.

Mental harmony, or moral wholeness, makes for bodily health.

Eleventh Morning

Be as a flower; content to be, to grow
in sweetness day by day.

If thou would’st perfect thyself in
knowledge, perfect thyself in Love.
If thou would’st reach the Highest,
ceaselessly cultivate a loving and
compassionate heart.

To him who chooses Goodness,
sacrificing all, is given that which
is more than, and includes, all.

Eleventh Evening

The Great Law never cheats any man of
his just due.

Human life, when rightly lived,
is simple with a beautiful simplicity.

He who comprehends the utter
simplicity of life, who obeys its laws,
and does not step aside into the dark
paths and complex mazes of selfish desire,
stands where no harm can reach him.

Then there is fullness of joy,
abounding plenty, and rich and
complete blessedness.

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