The James Allen Free Library

James Allen daily

This page offers you a daily dose of James Allen. Here you’ll find today’s entries from James Allen’s book of meditations for every day in the year and Morning and evening thoughts:

previous day - August 27th 2023 - next day

The lovers of Truth worship Truth with the sacrifice of self.

August Twenty-seventh.

DO you seek to know and to realise Truth ? Then you must be prepared to sacrifice, to renounce to the uttermost, for Truth in all its glory can only be perceived and known when the last vestige of self has disappeared.

The eternal Christ declared that he who would be His disciple must " deny himself daily." Are you willing to deny yourself, to give up your lusts, your prejudices, your opinions? If so, you may enter the narrow way of Truth, and find that peace from which the world is shut out. The absolute denial, the utter extinction of self is the perfect state of Truth, and all religions and philosophies are but so many aids to this supreme attainment.

As you let self die, you will be reborn in Truth.

Twenty-Seventh Morning

Men go after much company, and seek out
new excitements, but they are not
acquainted with peace; in divers paths of
pleasure they search for happiness, but
they do not come to rest; through divers
ways of laughter and feverish delirium they
wander after gladness and life, but their
tears are many and grievous, and they
do not escape death.

Drifting upon the ocean of life in
search of selfish indulgences, men are
caught in its storms, and only after many
tempests and much privation do they fly
to the Rock of Refuge which rests in the
deep silence of their own being.

Twenty-Seventh Evening

Meditation centered upon divine realities
is the very essence and soul of prayer.
It is the silent reaching upward of the
soul toward the Eternal.

Meditation is the intense dwelling,
in thought, upon an idea or theme with
the object of thoroughly comprehending
it; and whatsoever you constantly meditate
upon, you will not only come to understand,
but will grow more and more into its
likeness, for it will become incorporated
with your very being, will become, in fact,
your very self.

If, therefore, you constantly dwell upon
that which is selfish and debasing, you will
ultimately become selfish and debased;
if you ceaselessly think upon that which
is pure and unselfish, you will surely
become pure and unselfish.

previous day - August 27th 2023 - next day