The James Allen Free Library

James Allen daily

This page offers you a daily dose of James Allen. Here you’ll find today’s entries from James Allen’s book of meditations for every day in the year and Morning and evening thoughts:

previous day - August 9th 2023 - next day

Truth cannot be limited.

August Ninth.

THE glory alike of the saint, the sage, and the saviour is this—that he has realised the most profound lowliness, the most sublime unselfishness; having given up all, even his own personality, all his works are holy and enduring, for they are freed from every taint of self. He gives, yet never thinks of receiving ; he works, yet without regretting the past or anticipating the future, and never looks for reward

When the farmer has tilled and dressed his land and put in the seed, he knows that he has done all that he can possibly do, and that now he must trust to the elements, and wait patiently for the course of time to bring about the harvest, and that no amount of expectancy on his part will affect the result, liven so, he who has realised the Truth goes forth as a sower of the seeds of goodness, purity, love, and peace, without expectancy, and never looking for results, knowing that there is the Great Over-ruling Law which brings about its own harvest in due time, and which is alike the source of preservation and destruction.

Every holy man became such by unremitting perseverance in self-sacrifice.

Ninth Morning

Whatever conditions are rendering your
life burdensome, you may pass out of and
beyond them by developing and utilizing
within you the transforming power of
self-purification and self-conquest.

Before the divine radiance of a pure
heart all darkness vanishes and all clouds
melt away, and he who has conquered
self has conquered the universe.

He who sets his foot firmly upon
the path of self-conquest, who walks,
aided by the staff of faith, the highway of
self-sacrifice, will assuredly achieve the
highest prosperity, and will reap abounding
and enduring joy and bliss.

Ninth Evening

It is the silent and conquering thought-
forces which bring all things into
manifestation. The universe grew
out of thought.

To adjust all your thoughts to a perfect
and unswerving faith in the omnipotence
and supremacy of Good, is to co-operate
with that Good, and to realize within
yourself the solution and destruction
of all evil.

To mentally deny evil is not sufficient;
it must, by daily practice, be risen above
and understood. To affirm the Good
mentally is inadequate; it must, by
unswerving endeavor, be entered into
and comprehended.

previous day - August 9th 2023 - next day