The James Allen Free Library

James Allen daily

This page offers you a daily dose of James Allen. Here you’ll find today’s entries from James Allen’s book of meditations for every day in the year and Morning and evening thoughts:

previous day - July 17th 2023 - next day

Money wasted can be restored ; health wasted can be restored ; but time wasted can never be restored.

July Seventeenth.

THE man who gets up early in order to

think and plan, that he may weigh and

consider and forecast, will always

manifest greater skill and success in his

particular pursuit than the man who lies in bed till the last moment, and only gets up in time to begin breakfast. An hour spent in this way before breakfast will prove of the greatest value in making one’s efforts fruitful. It is a means of calming and clarifying the mind, and of focusing one’s energies so as to render them more powerful and effective. The best and most abiding success is that which is made before eight o’clock in the morning. He who is at his business at six o’clock will always—all other conditions being equal—be a long way ahead of the man who is in bed at eight.

The day is not lengthened for any man.

Seventeenth Morning

There is no strife, no selfishness, in the
Kingdom; there is perfect harmony,
equipoise, and rest.

Those who live in the Kingdom of
Love, have all their needs supplied by
the Law of Love.

As self is the root cause of all strife
And suffering, so Love is the root cause
of all peace and bliss.
Those who are at rest in the Kingdom,
do not look for happiness in any outward
possessions. They are freed from all anxiety
and trouble and, resting in Love, they are
the embodiment of happiness.

Seventeenth Evening

Let it not be supposed that the children of
The Kingdom live in ease and indolence
(these two sins are the first that have
to be eradicated when the search for the
Kingdom is entered upon); they live in a
peaceful activity; in fact, they only truly
live, for the life of self, with its train of
worries, griefs, and fears, is not real life.

The children of the Kingdom are
Known by their life, they manifest the fruits
of the Spirit-“Love, joy, peace, long-suffering,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
meekness, temperance, self-control”-
under all circumstances and vicissitudes.

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