This page offers you a daily dose of James Allen. Here you’ll find today’s entries from James Allen’s book of meditations for every day in the year and Morning and evening thoughts:
previous day - May 26th 2023 - next day
Avoid exaggerations. The Truth is sufficient.
SPEAK only words which are truthful and sincere. Do not deceive either by word, look, or gesture. Avoid slander as you would a deadly snake, lest you be caught in its toils. He who speaks evil of another cannot find the way of peace. Put away all dissipations of idle gossip. Do not talk about the private affairs of others, or discuss the ways of Society, or criticise the eminent. Do not recriminate, or accuse others of offences, but meet all offences with blameless conduct. Do not condemn those who are not walking in the righteous path, but protect them with compassion, walking the path yourself. Quench the flame of anger with the pure water of Truth. Be modest in your words, and do not utter, or participate in, coarse, frivolous, or unseemly jests. Gravity and reverence are marks of purity and wisdom.
Do not dispute about Truth, but live it.
A man will reach the Kingdom by purifying
himself, and he can only do this by
pursuing a process of self-examination
and self-analysis.
The selfishness must be discovered and
understood before it can be removed. It is
powerless to remove itself, neither will it pass
away of itself. Darkness ceases only when
light is introduced; so ignorance can only be
dispersed by knowledge, selfishness by love.
A man must first of all be willing to
lose himself (his self-seeking) before he
can find himself (his Divine Self). He
must realize that selfishness is not worth
clinging to, that it is a master altogether
unworthy of his service, and that divine
goodness alone is worthy to be enthroned
in his heart, as the supreme master of
his life.
Be still, my soul, and know that peace
is thine.
Be steadfast, heart, and know that
strength divine
Belongs to thee; cease from thy turmoil,
And thou the Everlasting Rest shalt find.
If a man would have peace, let him
exercise the spirit of peace; if he would
find Love, let him dwell in the spirit of
Love; if he would escape suffering, let him
cease to inflict it; if he would do noble
things for humanity, let him cease to do
ignoble things for himself. If he will but
quarry the mine of his own soul, he shall
find there all the materials for building
whatsoever he will, and he shall find there
also the Central Rock on which to build
in safety.
previous day - May 26th 2023 - next day