The James Allen Free Library

James Allen daily

This page offers you a daily dose of James Allen. Here you’ll find today’s entries from James Allen’s book of meditations for every day in the year and Morning and evening thoughts:

previous day - May 24th 2023 - next day

Cease to tread every byway that tempts thy soul into the shadow-land.

May Twenty-fourth.

MAN has all power now ; but not knowing this, he says, " I will be perfect next year, or, in so many years, or in so many lives." The dwellers in the Kingdom of God, who live only in the now, say, I am perfect now, and refraining from all sin now, and ceaselessly guarding all the portals of the mind, not looking to the past nor to the future, nor turning to the left or right, they remain eternally holy and blessed. " Now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation." Say to yourself, " I will live in my Ideal now ; I will be my Ideal now ; and all that tempts me away from my Ideal I will not listen to ; I will listen only to the voice of my Ideal." Thus resolving, and thus doing, you shall not depart from the Highest, and shall eternally manifest the Truth.

Manifest thy native and divine strength now.

Twenty-Fourth Morning

Not by learning will a man triumph over
evil; not by much study will he overcome
sin and sorrow. Only by conquering
himself will he conquer evil; only by
practising righteousness will he put an
end to sorrow.

Not for the clever, nor the learned, nor
the self-confident is the Life Triumphant,
but for the pure, the virtuous and wise.
The former achieve their particular success
in life, but the latter alone achieve the
great success so invincible and complete
that even in apparent defeat it shines with
added victory.

Twenty-Fourth Evening

The true silence is not merely a silent
tongue; it is a silent mind. To merely hold
one’s tongue, and yet to carry about a
disturbed and rankling mind, is no remedy
for weakness, and no source of power.

Silentness, to be powerful, must
envelop the whole mind, must permeate
every chamber of the heart; it must be
the silence of peace.

To this broad, deep, abiding silentness
a man attains only in the measure that
he conquers himself.

previous day - May 24th 2023 - next day