The James Allen Free Library

James Allen daily

This page offers you a daily dose of James Allen. Here you’ll find today’s entries from James Allen’s book of meditations for every day in the year and Morning and evening thoughts:

previous day - May 21st 2023 - next day

The Kingdom of Heaven is perfect trust, perfect knowledge, perfect peace.

May Twenty-first.

THE children of the Kingdom are known by their life. They manliest the fruits of the Spirit—" love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, temperance, self-control "—under all circumstances and vicissitudes. They are entirely free from anger, fear, suspicion, jealousy, caprice, anxiety, and grief. Living in the Righteousness of God, they manifest qualities which are the very reverse of those which obtain in the world, and which are regarded by the world as foolish. They demand no rights ; they do not defend themselves ; do not retaliate ; do good to those who attempt to injure them ; manifest the same gentle spirit towards those who oppose and attack them, as towards those who agree with them ; do not pass judgment on others ; condemn no man and no system, and live at peace with all.

That Kingdom is in the heart of every man and woman.

Twenty-First Morning

Let your heart grow and expand with ever-
broadening love, until, freed from all
hatred, and passion, and condemnation,
it embraces the whole universe with
thoughtful tenderness.

As the flower opens its petals to receive
the morning light, so open your soul more
and more to the glorious light of Truth.

Soar upward on the wings of aspiration;
be fearless and believe in the loftiest

Twenty-First Evening

Mind clothes itself in garments of its own
Mind is the arbiter of life; it is the
creator and shaper of conditions, and the
recipient of its own results. It contains
within itself both the power to create
illusion and to perceive reality.

Mind is the infallible weaver of destiny;
thought is the thread, good and evil deeds
are the warp and woof, and the web,
woven upon the loom of life, is character.
Make pure thy heart, and thou wilt make
thy life
Rich, sweet, and beautiful, unmarred by

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