The James Allen Free Library

James Allen daily

This page offers you a daily dose of James Allen. Here you’ll find today’s entries from James Allen’s book of meditations for every day in the year and Morning and evening thoughts:

previous day - May 12th 2023 - next day

The Gospel of Jesus is a Gospel of living and doing.

May Twelfth.

THAT Jesus was meek, and lowly, and loving, and compassionate, and pure is very beautiful, but it is not sufficient; it is necessary that you also should be meek, and lowly, and loving, and compassionate, and pure. That Jesus subordinated His own will to the will of the Father, it is inspiring to know, but it is not sufficient ; it is necessary that you, too, should likewise subordinate your will to that of the overruling Good. The grace and beauty and goodness that were in Jesus can be of no value to you, cannot be understood by you, unless they are also in you, and they can never be in you until you practice them, for, apart from doing, the qualities which constitute Goodness do not, as far as you are concerned, exist.

Pure Goodness is religion, and outside it there is no religion.

Twelfth Morning

Every man reaps the results of his own
thoughts and deeds, and suffers for his
own wrong.

He who begins right, and continues
right, does not need to desire, and search
for felicitous results; they are already at
hand; they follow as consequences; they
are the certainties, the realities, of life.

Sweet is the rest and deep is the bliss
of him who has freed his heart from its
lusts and hatreds and dark desires.

Twelfth Evening

You are the creator of your own shadows;
you desire, and then you grieve; renounce,
and then you shall rejoice.

Of all the beautiful truths pertaining
to the soul, . . . none is more gladdening
or fruitful of divine promise and confidence
than this-that man is the master of
thought, the moulder of character, and
the maker and shaper of character,
environment, and destiny.

previous day - May 12th 2023 - next day